Applying for an early childhood education place and termination
Applying for early childcare place
The application for municipal early childhood education and care and for a service voucher place is made electronically. You can only apply for a childcare place if your child has a Finnish personal identity number.
Apply for a place for your child in a day nursery, family day care, group family day care or with a service voucher four months before your child’s desired start date for early childhood education and care. In the case of a sudden start to employment or studies, apply at least two weeks before your child needs a place. You can apply for a place online via eDaisy.
There are slight differences between municipal and private ECEC application procedures, see private ECEC and service vouchers.
Service guidance for early childcare education
Service counselling provides guidance and advice on how to apply for an early childhood education place.
- Taija Jalonen tel. 0445856806
- Visiting address: Laitilan city building, Keskuskatu 30
- Email: taija.jalonen@laitila.fi
Termination of an early childcare education place
The early childhood education place must be terminated in writing. You can terminate your early childhood education place at any time during the calendar month, but not retroactively. A written notice of termination of an early childhood education place terminates the early childhood education account. The termination is done electronically in eDaisy. If electronic notification is not possible, the notice of termination will be sent by e-mail to the director of the day care center or the head of early childhood education and care.
Dismissal of private early childcare education place
A private ECEC place is also terminated electronically and the service voucher is cut off. In addition, the client family must inform the ECEC centre of the termination of the place and the last day of the child’s attendance. The period of notice for the voucher holder is laid down in the contract with the entrepreneur.
Cancellation of an early childcare education place
If a family does not take up an allocated place in early childhood education and care, the official who allocated the place must be informed in writing or by telephone as soon as possible. This must be done before the starting date specified in the decision. If the place is not withdrawn, half the monthly fee will be charged.