Leisure activities
The youth office offers a variety of leisure groups. Some of these activities have been made possible by an AVI local activity development grant. The activities are free of charge for participants.
We are open to requests if there is no activity of your choice.
From gym to hobby
The youth department offers guided gym sessions for secondary school children on Thursdays from 18-19 at the Nurkkagym. The gym sessions introduce the basics of gym training and the correct exercise techniques. This group is an easy way to get started as there are no level requirements. The gym sessions are free of charge for the participants and are supervised by Lotta Huuhtanen, sports consultant & personal trainer. The club is made possible by an AVI Local Recreation Development Grant.
Please bring your own sportswear and indoor shoes. The group can accommodate 12 participants.
The club starts on 14.9.2023 at 18-19 at Nurkkagymi.
Classes will not take place during school holidays.
Registration: http://bit.ly/kuntosaliharrastuslaitila(siirryt toiseen palveluun)
Instruction takes place every week at the same time. You can sign up even if you are not sure if gym training is your thing. You can come and try it out and cancel at any time. It’s important to cancel if you don’t feel like it, so that we can free up a place for those waiting.
For more information, contact Tero Vinterbäck, Head of Youth Services, 040 717 7817 or email tero.vinterback@laitila.fi
Gym club for 16-29 year groups
The youth department offers free guided gym sessions for young people aged 16-29 on Thursdays from 19-20 at the Nurkkagymi from 2 November. The gym sessions will introduce the basics of gym training and the right exercise techniques. You don’t need to be in good shape or have previous gym experience to join the group – your fitness and skills will develop over time. The gym sessions are supervised by Lotta Huuhtanen, sports consultant & personal trainer.
This autumn’s fitness club will have six sessions and if there is enough interest, the club will continue to run after the turn of the year.
You will need to bring sportswear and indoor shoes. The group can accommodate 12 participants.
You can come and try out and cancel at any time. It’s important to cancel if you don’t feel up to the workout, so we can free up a spot for those waiting.
Registration: http://bit.ly/kuntosalikerho2024(siirryt toiseen palveluun)
For more information, please contact Mika Siivola 040 190 6178 or email mika.siivola@laitila.fi
The Sword Club
A low-threshold club where you can play volleyball under the guidance of a trained instructor. The activities are free of charge and open to all those interested in saliband. You will need sports clothes, a water bottle and your own racket if you have one. A few racquets are available to borrow.
The club is organized in cooperation with the Laitila Youth Office and the Laitila Jyske volleyball section.
You can register in advance via the form or just come to the club.
- Time: Wednesdays w17.1-30.4.
- from 14:45-15:45 3.-4. student
- Place: Finnlamex Hall (Tuunantie 2)
- For who? : 3rd-4th graders , for older people by arrangement
- Instructor: Tessa Mäkilä and Tiiu Mäkilä.
Registration: https://laitila-pyharanta.4h.fi/kerhot/syksyn-2023-kerhot/(siirryt toiseen palveluun)
Volleyball club
The volleyball club is held on Fridays during the spring in the hall of the Kappelimäki school. The club is not a guided recreational activity, but there is always an adult supervisor.
10-13 yrs. from 18-19
14-18 yrs. from 19-20
The club runs from 5.1. to 17.5. (there is no club on 12.4.)
There is no pre-registration for the club. There is still room for participants.
More information:
Youth manager 040 717 7817
Youth adviser 040 525 6713