Youth actors morning coffee
The event is open to all persons working with young people in Laitila as well as those interested in the subject, regardless of their place of work. We do not expect advance registration – come when it suits your calendar. We will enable you to develop your work together, across administrative boundaries, for the benefit of young people. The event is an opportunity to promote your own activities for young people and to find out about the various events and current events in the youth field in your area. We will discuss current issues that concern young people and also seek to have an impact on young people and their well-being through our activities.
There is power in cooperation!
The next coffee morning will be on Wednesday 15.5.2024 from 9-10.45.
If you are interested in finding out more or attending our coffee hour, you can ask our youth outreach workers for more information: etsivat@laitila.fi
The morning coffees have been attended by people from organizations such as:
Laitila Nuorisoverstas ry
4H Laitila-Pyhäranta
Laitila SRK
WinNova Laitila
Laitila City Library
Laitila City Education Office