Public procurement
The city is publicly funded and has a specific public interest mission as defined by law. The City is therefore a “public purchaser”, which must comply with the Public Procurement Act (1397/2016) in the procurement of goods and services.
The city as a whole is a contracting entity within the meaning of the Public Procurement Act and the procurement of employees is considered as a whole from the perspective of the Public Procurement Act.
In the city, procurements are made:
- within framework agreements (i.e. suppliers or service providers put out to tender by the city or used by Hansel Ltd or Sarastia Ltd on the basis of a city connection contract).
- with the Turku regional contracting entity, which allows participation in tenders and framework contracts awarded by that entity.
- from suppliers selected on the basis of separate invitations to tender, and only exceptionally, in specific situations governed by the Public Procurement Code, from suppliers selected without a call for competition.In the City of Laitila, procurement is carried out by each administrative department with the procurement decision-making powers defined in the City’s administrative regulations or procurement guidelines. The Finance Director is responsible for coordinating procurement for the whole city.
Open competitions are published in Hilma(siirryt toiseen palveluun).
Minor procurements are published in the Offer service(siirryt toiseen palveluun).
The City of Laitila uses the Cloudia system for tendering.