Avitus service point
Open Mon-Fri from 9-12, by appointment from 8-9 & from 13-16
Exceptionally closed: 29.4.-10.5.
You can contact us in the following ways:
- by visiting the Town Hall in person at Keskuskatu 30, 1st-floor
- by calling 040 5414132
- by contacting us via WhatsApp or Signal app tel. 040 5414132
- by email asiointi.avitus@laitila.fi
- Mail addressed to the city of Laitila can be left in two places: inside in the Avitus mailbox in front of the service point or in the outdoor mailbox located in the upper courtyard at the end of the path from the middle of the city hall (technical).
- Kela mailbox is next to the main entrance to the Town Hall
- Varha mailbox is at the side door of the upper courtyard of the town hall (education/social)
The service provider at the point-of-service offers, for example..
Housing application for city rental housing, for the housing apartment application here(siirryt toiseen palveluun)
Laitilan kaupungin laskut voi maksaa pankkikorttimaksuna
Copy and print services (€1.50/A4)
Reservations of meeting rooms in the study hall and the city office
Forms and documents to be returned to the various city departments
Product sales
Lost and found
Appointments with public authorities, e.g. Kela and police
Customer computer at the point of contact
Digital guidance on administrative matters
Internal services for people working in the organisation of the city of Laitila