Siirry sisältöön


To be carbon-neutral municipality

Laitila became a Hinku municipality in 2013 by decision of the City Council. As a Hinku municipality, Laitila aims to achieve an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 2007 levels. The aim is to improve energy efficiency and reduce the municipality’s climate emissions by using renewable energy. The Hinku work in the city is coordinated by a Hinku working group consisting of representatives from different sectors, companies and energy companies.

More information: toiseen palveluun) toiseen palveluun)

Energy issues

Valonia advises Laitila residents and SMEs on energy issues. toiseen palveluun)

CO2 emissions report

The report shows the greenhouse gas emissions of Laitila in 2009-2021 and preliminary data on emissions in 2022. The following sectors are included in the calculation: consumer electricity consumption, electric heating, geothermal heating, district heating, separate heating, road transport, agriculture and waste management. Emissions from electricity consumption in industry are also considered.