Streets, transport and parks
Maintenance of public roads (highways, country roads, motorways)
In the Laitila central town area, road maintenance is mainly the responsibility of the city, but the ELY Centre is responsible for the maintenance of Kt 43, VT8, Kaukolantie and Kodjalantie.
For ELY Centre roads, please contact
Road user line, 24 h, tel. 0200 2100
The road user line is used to report acute road traffic hazards on the state road network, e.g. water on the road or a fallen tree on the road that prevents normal road use.
It is also possible to call the road user hotline via the 112 Finland app, in which case the location information is transmitted with the call.
(Transport customer service: 0295 020 600)
City-maintained streets and traffic lanes
Problems such as street lights going out or fallen road signs can be reported directly, preferably by email.