Meter reading notification
Log in to the consumption-Website here(siirryt toiseen palveluun)
Note: Consumption point = place of consumption
If you accidentally enter the wrong password, the service will be locked for 2 hours for security reasons.
Please try again after that.
Consumption-Web service
- you provide the water meter reading for balancing purposes
- see your past consumption statistics and future forecasts
- send your mobile phone number to the water utility for possible contact
- send feedback or messages
- note: the consumption statistics will only be updated after the next billing and not immediately after sending the reading
Instructions for reporting the reading:
- insert the consumption point number (= consumption point number) / found on the invoice or on the credit card
- insert water meter number (= meter ID) / can be found on the invoice or on the lecture card
- indicate the reading in full cubic metres (without prefixes)
- after successful transmission you will receive a notification of the data you have entered
- in case of problems, please try again in a moment or contact 040 653 8746 or leena.gronholm@laitila.fi
- note! If you accidentally enter the wrong ID, the service will be blocked for 2 hours for security reasons.
- note! If you accidentally enter the wrong ID, the service will be blocked for 2 hours for security reasons.Please try again after that.