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Independence Day

The city of Laitila is organising a day celebration open to all at the city hall on 6 December at 12 noon.The celebration will include a programme of events, such as speeches and music, to match the theme of the day. The celebration will be preceded by a coffee reception, organised by the Laitila Martat and the Laitila Rural and Domestic Women in alternate years.

The Independence Day service will be held in the church at 10 am, followed by a wreath-laying ceremony at the heroes’ grave and the monument to those who survived in Karelia.

Children and youth torchlight procession and evening event at the heroes’ graves

The torchlight procession has a long tradition in Laitila. It is an event where young people are at the centre. The torch relay has been organised for more than 60 years. It is for all children and young people. It is organised with the participation of the Laitila Snowkit and Eräsissit and the Laitila VPK.

Children and young people participating in the torchlight procession are invited to arrive from 16.30 for the distribution of torches and the organisation of the procession. Children under 10 years of age can join the procession with or without their own candle lanterns. The torchlight procession will run from the fire station yard along the Main Street to the Heroes’ Tomb. The torchlight procession leaves at 17:00.

At the solemn ceremony on the graves of the heroes, speeches will be given by persons selected from the graduating students of Laitila High School.

Photos over the years