The City of Laitila and local actors play a key role in the integration of immigrants, as integration is local. Most of the work to promote integration is done in the municipality’s basic services. Immigrants need services related to education, training, housing, leisure, employment or infrastructure in the same way as other residents. Local educational institutions, associations, the activities of other public authorities and, of course, local residents also have a strong role to play.
The Multiculturalism Council

The Multiculturalism Council is responsible for promoting the integration of immigrants, monitoring current issues related to multiculturalism, promoting intercultural dialogue and increasing cooperation between different actors and bodies. The Multiculturalism Council helps to ensure that the city, in developing public services, ensures that they are adequate and suitable for different cultural groups. The Multiculturalism Council is not a decision-making body, but is responsible for giving opinions and making proposals and initiatives. The Multiculturalism Council is elected for a term of office.
Integration assistance
Integration promotion grants are awarded to non-profit associations, organisations, communities, action groups for activities aimed at residents of Laitila and people living in Laitila, and especially for activities carried out in cooperation with other actors. The object of the grant may be a project, an event or a purchase. On application, a grant of up to โฌ 1 000 may be awarded to one operator by official decision. Grants of more than โฌ 1 000 are decided by the vitality committee.
The grants awarded by the Board are subject to a continuous call for applications, however, applications and their annexes must be returned by 1 November each year at the latest.
Priority will be given to the awarding of grants:
-for activities to promote integration
-promoting participation
-promoting community involvement
-supporting the learning of the Finnish language
-events organised by immigrants
The grant application must include a cost estimate and an explanation of how the activity will contribute to integration. The applicant will be required to submit a final report on the use of the grant. All payment receipts/receipts relating to the activity must be kept and attached to the final report. The final report must be submitted within 4 months of the end of the project or the implementation of the project. The grant will be paid after the approval of the grant decision; however, upon review of the final report, the grant may be recovered if the actual costs are lower than estimated. Based on the final report, eligible costs are those incurred on the basis of actual or verifiable costs.
Positive grant decisions will be taken for applications meeting the grant criteria within the application period (continuous application). In the case of grants to non-registered associations and non-profit-making groups, the signatories of the application are responsible for the use of the grant. In the event of a substantial change in the purpose of the grant, the relevant official must be informed without delay.
Grants are awarded within the limits of the budget.
The applicant undertakes to repay any part of the grant not used for the purpose stated in the grant application.
Grant applications should preferably be submitted via the electronic link or to hallinto@laitila.fi or by post to the city of Laitila/Living Power Division, P.O. Box 25, 23801 Laitila (or Keskuskatu 30, 23800).